Wednesday, June 14, 2006
One lucky pit stop
John Boehner's spokesman, Kevin Madden, got back to us on how his boss won $2,700 on a slot machine in Michigan, per our earlier Openers item.
It seems Boehner was driving through Michigan on a political trip "and stopped off to use a bathroom at the particular casino rest stop. While there he played a slot machine that hit a return. This was in August of last year."
We're not making this up. And to think of all the time we've intentionally gone to a casino, sat at the slots for an hour and didn't even take a bathroom break, only to win a few lousy nickels. These guys in Congress have all the luck.
- Stephen Koff

TPM Muckraker has gone one better. They have this photo of the "rest stop".
Paul Kiel, writing in the Muckraker,
Boehner Pees at Casino, Comes Back with $2,700
asks,Check out the casino yourself.So what's Boehner talking about?
Well, on his disclosure form, Boehner reported that he'd won the money in Manistique, Michigan. So I called up the Manistique City Hall and asked, if I wanted to pee and gamble in Manistique, where would I go?
Turns out, I'd only have one option: the Kewadin Casino, which is run by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. "Would you call that a rest stop?" I asked. "Well, they have bathrooms in there," replied Rebecca Weber, who works for the city of about 4,000.
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