Saturday, October 29, 2005

A Turkish court fined 20 people €70 each for using the letters Q and W...


Saturday October 29th 2005

An irate Brazilian woman started legal proceedings against her partner, because she failed to have orgasms, Terra Noticias Populares newspaper reported.

Police chief Jose Ferraz said he would investigate the case after the disgruntled 31-year-old filed a complaint about her husband's selfish bedroom habits at Chacar Urbana police station.

She alleged that her 38-year-old partner reached an orgasm and then abruptly ceased sexual intercourse at that point.

The Milwaukee Journal reports on an unsuccessful cash robbery by a pair of incompetent villains. A 33-year-old raider attempted to make off with a sum of money after he rushed up to a man in a car park and pulled out a handgun.

He tried to escape with his loot, but was run over by his accomplice in a getaway car. As he limped away from the scene, a woman tried to stop him. He pulled out a handgun and promptly shot himself in the leg.

A Turkish court fined 20 people €70 each for using the letters Q and W on placards at a Kurdish new year celebration. The letters are forbidden on signs because they are not in the Turkish alphabet.

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