This was transcribed from an outrageous song satire of Rush Limbaugh created by WNNX-FM (Atlanta, GA) "sung" by Rush Limbaugh, using sound clips of his own voice from his radio broadcasts!
Get the mp3 here.
[Image @ www.laurieparkinson.com ]
Announcer: Ladies and gentleman... Rush Limbaugh!
(Marching music starts)
They say that I'm sleaze
An elitist, if you please
Everybody disagrees with my rap (with his rap)
I'm horrendous, I'm appalling
My ratings now are falling
'Cause I'm so full of bull, so full of crap (full of crap)
With condescending cries,
Making money selling lies,
You might say everybody hates my guts (hates his guts)
I'm offensive, I'm a bigot
I'm a fraud - Can you dig it?
I'm a sexist, racist, homophobic, fat, pathetic putz
I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
That's right, I really am,
'Cause I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
That's right, you're being scammed
I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
I don't care about the middle class
'Cause I'm a fat conservative butthead
With the face of a horse's ass
(He's a fat conservative butthead) Hey!
(With the face of a horse's ass)
I have a sub-human figure, a huge rear end
My brain? That's another story (it's quite another story)
I have a face the size of a wash tub
And my ass is as big as Missouri - Yes!
(This bastard is sick, he's a fat, pompous prick,
And his ass is as big as Missouri) Yessiree, Bob!
Manipulating statements, exaggerate the truth,
I can't believe the hate my show inspires (the hate his show inspires)
It's not just because I'm stupid (oh no)
It's not just because I'm dumb (uh huh)
It's just because Republicans are liars (those dirty, filthy liars)
I am heartless, I am vain, insensitive, insane
They say that I'm a national disgrace (disgrace)
I am nasty (yes!), insulting (no!), basically revolting (uh huh)
I'm a concentrated pile of human waste (he's human waste)
I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
(Sieg heil!) I really am
'Cause I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
That's right, you're being scammed
I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
I don't care about the middle class
'Cause I'm a sick Republican sleaze ball
With the face of a horse's ass
(He's a sick Republican sleaze ball) Ho!
(With the face of a horse's ass)
They say that this is not about my vanity
They doubt my sanity
They think I'm nuts (so nuts)
I am a cyst on the ass of humanity (eww!)
New Republican slogan:
"Read My Putz" (read his putz)
From the bowels of Adolf Hitler
Comes the voice of Rush Limbaugh, heh heh
In closing, let me say: that each and every day
I'm an evil, rotten, egotistical snob (evil, rotten)
I'm the cop of the cop of Joe McCarthy-like gestapo
The right wing, foam-at-the-mouth, jackbooted slob
The Democratic-trashing years of liberal bashing
With the equivalent compassion of a grommet (of a grommet)
With the I.Q. of a pig; I'm a fat, obnoxious pig
And the truth of the matter is... I'm vomit (he's vomit)
'Cause I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
(Sieg heil!) I really am
'Cause I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
(Sieg heil!) You're being scammed
I'm a nazi (he's a nazi)
I don't care about the middle class
'Cause I'm a fear mongering scum bag
With the face of a horse's ass
(He's a fat conservative butthead) Hey!
(Sick Republican sleaze ball) Ha ha!
(Fear mongering scum bag) Ho!
(Egotistical ass wipe) Yes!
(Mean-spirited, hog wallowing, fat, conservative putz)
(With the face... of a horse's ass)
Mega-dildos, Rush!
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